Estate Planning

Estate Planning

At the Law Office of Sklar and Sklar, APC we recognize that it is sometimes difficult to talk about end-of-life issues. Meeting with one of our estate planning attorneys gives you the chance to plan now how decisions will be made on your behalf when, for some reason, you can no longer make them for yourself.

Estate planning also insures that your assets are distributed according to your own wishes. Proper estate planning can eliminate or reduce financial obligations, excess fees and expenses, and avoid or minimize estate taxes.

One of our attorneys will meet with you to understand your needs. We will discuss with you all the options in order to determine which documents work for your unique personal situation. Some areas of estate planning tools we focus on include, but are not limited to:


We help you draw up a valid will which will articulate exactly how you want your assets to be distributed upon your death. If you die intestate, which is without a will, your assets will be distributed according to state law. This may provide benefits to people whom you yourself would not have chosen to be your beneficiaries.


There are different types of trusts that can be established depending on what it is you want to accomplish. Trusts can also provide a way for you to distribute your assets while you are still living and can enjoy some of the benefits yourself.

Powers of Attorney

In general, a power of attorney gives someone you trust the right to make decisions on your behalf when you are unable to make them for yourself. You may choose a different type of a power of attorney depending on whether you want to give someone the authority to make financial decisions for you or medical decisions on your behalf and whether or not you want the power of attorney to be for a limited period of time or in effect indefinitely.

Healthcare Directives

A healthcare directive puts in writing exactly how you want end-of-life decisions to be made when you are unable to make them for yourself. You include the level of care you want to be provided and under what circumstances you might approve a “do not resuscitate” order. If you have put your wishes in writing, it will avoid controversy later among family members who may disagree about the treatment that should be provided. Save your family this stress and prepare your healthcare directive as soon as you can.

Life is uncertain, but you can rest easier when you know you have your wishes in writing with confidence that we will see that your plans are followed.

At the Law Office of Sklar and Sklar, APC we look forward to meeting with you and discussing with you all of your options. Contact us for a consultation. Our office is in Palm Springs and we serve all those in both Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

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